An e-book to help you navigate the word of God and manifest in your Godgiven power to get wealth

Get inspired to own your unique talents and manifest in the Godgiven power to get wealth.

Unleash the entrepreneur in you
For creatives in Christ who want to be free from the fear of failure

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If you're like me, the thought "where are these people getting their money from?" whilst scrolling online must have crossed your mind at least once.

Sometimes very young people would be stunting with many expensive items. But, how? They can't all be stealing, right?

I began to think. I began to reevaluate my life. Maybe I was doing something wrong.

This would be the period that the Holy Spirit opened my eyes to understand that certain infavourable realities I had seen - such as lack and poverty - were not actually the will of God for me. 

Suddenly, certain passages I read before were amplified. I gained a deeper understanding: I would read and instantly see how the principles of God's Word can be applied in entrepreneurship and getting wealth.

When I saw the scripture that says that God has pleasure in the prosperity of His servant, I said that's a done deal! Because, what?!

Ah, I was so thrilled: CONFIRMATION!

The Lord confirmed to me again that my desire to have wealth was not a vain thought. No, it is God's WILL for me - and for US - to be prosperous.

Saints, we have God's backing in this.

The start of a new journey: understanding how to make more money

God's children can have wealth too

"..Let the LORD be magnified, which hath pleasure in the prosperity of His servant."
Psalm 35:27

I mean, of all the people in the world, should we whom the Lord has called by His Name, suffer poverty? When we don't go after false gods, but obey God's commandments? These were my thoughts.
I said no! I refused to believe that! As a matter of fact the Word tells us what to believe and that isn't it. Not when you are faithful to Him.

"God's word tells us of many beautiful blessings exclusively for His children, but some of them you won't see manifested in your life until you say "I believe You, God "

So now I went back to the reading the Bible and this one time God caught me doubting His word - it was the scripture in Jeremiah 29:11 - and He confronted me. I felt so ashamed.

Didn't the Word say that the Word of God is at work in them who believe? (1 Thessalonians 2:13) You must believe in the Words I tell you.

I quickly repented and said "I'm sorry Lord, forgive me. I believe You God. I BELIEVE YOU, GOD!".

This encounter with the God has transformed my thinking.

The principle is believing: trusting in God's capability and believing that He will do it.

This is why as a child of God you cannot afford to  ever tolerate (self-)doubt, fear of failure and limiting beliefs. These are the opposite of faith (belief), and when you tolerate them you have basically agreed with them and a failure is almost guaranteed.

"You are gifted, you have great potential,
and you are capable of having success, but you must divorce your limiting beliefs"

The problem with limiting beliefs is that they oppress potential. Potential means the possibility for something - in our context something desirable - to happen.

Often times, we get inspiration to start something good and we get excited. But then here come the self-doubt, the imagining dooms scenario's and now you scared yourself out of even starting. Imposter syndrome and scarcity mindset: they are rooted in the fear of failure.

You are scared it will not work for you. But if you never try, how do you know it won't work? You know it can work, you're just not sure if it will work for you. But why wouldn't it work for you?

You have seen people like you do the business and you know you can do it. You have the skills and may even already have identified some points of improvement when you saw the work of others. Even imagined implementing those if it were you.

I mean, that business is up and running. Lacking here and there sometimes, but they're getting the bag. They have success.

More importantly, it is not how “good” you deem yourself at business that will determine your success in it, but it is GOD who gives the power to get wealth (Deuteronomy 8:18).

In I BELIEVE YOU GOD I share tips on how to internalize the Word of God and activate the power in the scriptures to start working in you. This will help you completely break your fears and gain confidence to launch the business you have always dreamed of.

There is a money maker inside of you, activate and unleash it!

And you are over here scared to make mistakes and doubting yourself out of the idea that you can have the same, if not better success.

"Scared to make mistakes" is an invalid excuse not to try. You have to make mistakes or else you won't grow. Remember that business you saw, with some mistakes but still getting sales?

Mistakes don't stop you from making money and having success, if anything they are stepping stones to get you to greater success.

Remember, when tolerate your fears, you have agreed with them and then failure is almost guaranteed.

"The happy, successful and wealthy version you envision and feel in your spirit is real. Now go manifest it."

You know that moment when you get an idea to start a business and you get the vision of what it must be like? You feel in your spirit that great things are going to happen for you.

You don't know how, or when, but you don't doubt it and now you're, waiting for the reality to catch up with the version of reality you have seen with your spirit.

The vision is real! It will or will not manifest, depending on the level of your faith and the actions you take.

You partner with God by believing in Him. You prophecy God's word to manifest the truth in His word in your life. This is why it's so important that you know what the Bible says about you.

Whilst you speak, put in the WORK too, for faith without works is dead!
This is how you manifest God's word for in your life. This is how you fight battles - even in entrepreneurship - and win, because you partnered with God.

In the book I share with you the exact scriptures you can use to prophecy over your life and how to overcome the power of fear to see His word manifested in your life.

For with God all things shall be made possible Luke 1:37

Once you adopt the truth in God's word regarding who you are and who God is FOR you - you live a life of impossibilities made possible.

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Partner with God to manifest your vision

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